The Engineer - Air/Oil Heat Exchangers with AC, DC, or hydraulic motor drives

2023-03-23 15:38:04 By : Mr. Bruce Tong

Cooling solutions with quality assured, designed to meet your specific application requirements. Supplied with aesthetics, reliability and safety as our prime focus, suitable product exists for all industry applications.

Air/oil heat exchangers with AC, DC, or hydraulic motor drives. Heat dissipation up to 4.35kW/°C. Construction materials of aluminium or copper and steel. Working pressure up to 26 bar. Maximum working temperature 120°C.

Options with integrated tank for closed loop hydraulic systems. Suitable for use with mineral oils, water emulsions and water glycols.  For alternative fluids please contact jbj Techniques Limited technical office.

Separate series for offline cooling circuits where pressure spikes occur within the main hydraulic circuit.

Combination coolers allow the cooling of both oil and water circuits within mobile applications.

Fan drives for vehicle cooling systems supplied with fully programmable electronic control unit.

ATEX certification for suitable units on request.

Applications: Industrial, construction, agriculture, railway, marine, hydraulic equipment, automotive, compressors, power generation.

Satisfy a variety of industrial cooling requirements with a choice of solutions available from:

JBJ Techniques is a specialist supplier of high-quality products for the mechanical power transmission and fluid power sectors. The company offers a high level of in-house expertise plus a huge selection of products to meet a very broad range of customer applications.

Looking at the companies involved in this there is no UK input, apart from the inevitable subsidies of course. The statement about UK becoming a global-leader through this is disingenuous. ...

Interesting - what's the hold-up? Where else in the world is this done or even planned?

It seems to me that they have worked out how to predict the position of the actuator effector, by measuring the relationship between fluid pressure and position. It is open loop control not closed...

A similar comparison is all the more devastating, in regard to the state funding of industrial R&I. e.g. The UK support for one specific invention = £125!! The award through DARPA for the very same...

Good points, Mark, despite my reservations about hydrogen. My concern about the focus on the finance sector in the UK is that the sector was built on investing the profits made by UK overseas...